Simply because you matter the most

Simply because you matter the most


At a time when the discoveries of modern medicine were not so advanced, people found in nature almost everything they needed to get well. Herbal remedies have been preserved over the years, and their therapeutic effectiveness has meant that they are still promoted as universal remedy today. One such remedy is leeches, which are in great demand these days.

Used since ancient times, the role of leeches in maintaining human health has led to their recognition as “living medicines” and has captured the interest of both Western hirudotherapy specialists and medicine practitioners. Unlike in other countries where leeches are sold in pharmacies, in Romania, hirudotherapy is still in its infancy, but the results obtained by such treatments will certainly lead to widespread development of this kind of treatment.

In leech saliva, 300 biologically active substances are found, which provide curative effects. In addition to hirudin, there are another 30 active substances that cannot be reproduced artificially. Leeches have reflexogenic, mechanical, biological, and quantum action. They are effective in several diseases of the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system, rheumatic and metabolic diseases, neurological disorders, ENT, gynecology, urology, and others.

Results from leech treatment have shown that it heals festering wounds, speeds scar healing, shortens rehabilitation time in viral hepatitis, and eliminates spinal paralysis.


Hirudotherapy is the method of treating various conditions by applying hirudomedicinal leeches to specific areas of the human body.

Between 10 and 15 sessions are recommended with a frequency of 3 to 7 days.

Hirudotherapy is particularly effective in:

Complementary therapies - Hirudotherapy - use of leeches for therapeutic purposes

In what condition is it used?

Hirudotherapy, hirudoreflexotherapy (treatment with leeches using reflexogenic points) is a therapeutic method tried for many centuries in the practice of doctors of all specialties. If our ancestors used leeches (hirudo medicinalis) only to regulate blood pressure, for brain concussions, trauma, to get rid of dizzy spells, curses, to calm hysterical attacks, nowadays the list of conditions that are treated by hirudotherapy has grown considerably. 


There are 30 biologically active substances in leech saliva

Scientific research at this time confirms the therapeutic power of hirudin (the substance found in leech saliva) on the human body. In addition to hirudin, there are 30 other biologically active substances in leech saliva that cannot be synthesized or artificially created. From the moment the leech begins to suck blood the therapeutic effect on pathologically altered organs begins to appear, after which a series of mechanisms for normalization of microcirculation begin to act; In particular, it involves the mechanism of removal of vascular spasms, and also the mechanism of exacerbation of hemorrhage, which helps to more rapidly distribute the assimilation structure to the target organs (organs with a pathological focus). 

Combined with herbal medicine, hirudotherapy can increase the effectiveness of treatment by 1.5 times. Oriental medicine has proven the existence of special areas (points) on the skin that are closely connected to the internal organs. This involves the action of the reflexogenic point, responsible for one organ or another in the human body, through the intervention of a mechanical influence (leeching sting), plus the injection into the blood system of leeching saliva – a complex of 30 biologically active ferments, which have therapeutic properties (anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, blood purifying, pain-relieving and metabolism-enhancing), normalizing the hormonal background.


Complications of cardiovascular disease are prevented

The therapeutic ability of leeches is based on three factors. Firstly, the leech will bite the reflex points carefully chosen by the therapist. Secondly, the leech will introduce saliva into the bloodstream which is made up of a range of physiologically active substances, an action that leads to normalization of the pathological process. Thirdly, the leech produces mechanical blood discharge. This also ensures the free pumping of blood by the leech and the hemorrhage that continues after the leech detaches. 

Hypertension, stenocardia, pre-infarction condition, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis create an incomplete list of vascular system pathologies. The use of leeches is recommended as a very effective therapeutic means. They can be used alone or in combination with other treatments, but excluding anticoagulants.

 In atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, heart disease, thrombosis, and cerebrovascular embolism, leeches can not only be used as a treatment method but can also prevent possible complications of these diseases.

Hirudotherapy is also used with a high success rate in treating and healing inflammatory processes in the kidney, bladder, gallbladder, and liver. Leeches can also be used in gynecology. Hirudotherapy has positive results in diseases such as endometritis, inflammation of the ovaries, mastitis, degenerative changes of the ovaries, sterility. The therapeutic effect is observed quite quickly, pain decreases suddenly, menstrual cycle and temperature normalize.

Haemorrhoid sufferers know how difficult it is to treat and how much discomfort it can cause. Once leech therapy is used, no sufferer will refuse this method in the future as the effect of the treatment can be seen quickly. 

Despite the wide range of treatments available to modern ophthalmologists, those who understand the effectiveness of hirudotherapy choose to turn to the help offered by leeches. It is recommended to use this therapy in inflammatory cases of the circulatory system, in ocular trauma (especially in the case of contusions), in glaucoma, in the case of increased eye tension. 

Since ancient times, leeches have been used to treat disorders of the nervous system. Today, the scope of these pathologies has expanded. Neuralgia, sciatic nerve neuralgia, concussion, peripheral facial nerve paralysis has been added to the neuralgia, sciatic nerve neuralgia, concussion, peripheral facial nerve paralysis, and stomato-neuralgia.

As a prophylactic means after surgery, leeches are also used in surgery. It should also be noted that hirudotherapy accelerates the healing of postoperative stitches, and helps to deflate scars.


In otorhinolaryngology, hirudotherapy has only recently entered as a treatment but has quickly found its place in treating acute auditory nerve neuritis, nasal cavity disorders, and acute otitis externa. 

Leeches have also been used and have had great success in the treatment of skin diseases: in various types of dermatoses, against eczema, in toxicoderma, in skin tuberculosis (lupus), in some cases even against psoriasis. In the case of boils, hirudotherapy is extremely effective and is a painless method of treatment. The swelling, redness, and pain disappear even after the next day of applying leeches. 

Hirudotherapy is also used to treat certain respiratory diseases: obesity in people with lung disease, severe forms of asthma, and pneumonia with respiratory failure.

Recently, hirudotherapy has become very popular in the dental field: for periodontitis, gingivitis, neuralgia, stomatitis.


Hirudotherapy sessions lower blood toxins

After the mandatory examination has taken place and the client’s condition is determined, the therapist determines the number of leeches needed, the area and points where they are to be applied (for example, the areas where the veins are seen on the head – in the case of hypertension – or next to the affected vein – in cases of thrombosis), and the number of sessions that will be needed. In some people, the session may take 10-15 minutes, in others – several hours, depending on the severity of the course and the development of the condition. If viruses, toxic products, or microbes are found in the blood, leeches start to spit out a liquid containing these harmful substances. After hirudotherapy the concentration of toxins in the blood is reduced tenfold. This intervention can be compared to the hemodialysis procedure or the operation of an artificial kidney.


The fear that existed in many people before therapy disappears quite quickly. After the first session, the psychological barrier is already overcome. At the end of the session, the leeches will either be given to the client or they will be killed to exclude the possibility of contaminating other people with the infection. The microscopic wound left behind by the leeches heals quickly and remains sterile 48 hours.

In domestic conditions, because leeches are very sensitive to outdoor conditions, they should be kept at room temperature, in a space where there are no strong odors.


If you are willing to use hirudotherapy it is best to inform yourself about all that this therapy entails, before scheduling yourself at the Ikigai Health Center.

On the day you are scheduled for your hirudotherapy session, it is recommended to avoid:

  1. Coffee, alcohol, and cigarette consumption;
  2. Hygienic use of soap, strong-smelling gel;
  3. Perfume, deodorants, and creams;
  4. Arguments and serious disagreements with people around you.

Allow yourself enough time for the hirudotherapy session! It would be preferable if the day contained as few activities as possible and was not crowded.
When scheduling an appointment, it is preferable to ask for a therapist’s consultation beforehand. Present the therapist with the latest hematological test results (hematocrit HCT, hemoglobin HGB, platelets, erythrocytes, leucocytes, VSH, etc.), other tests. The wider the scope of the consultation, the better the therapist will know – the necessary treatment plan to be applied and for the client – the expected results, duration, and rhythm of leech therapy.

Dressing application - rules and principles

Prolonged physical activity and showering or bathing during the first 12 hours after treatment is not recommended. You should avoid going to the pool/spa and dusty places.  

During bleeding (first 24 h) on the incision, do not give any spit, iodine, betadine, or other creams or solutions

Whatever your reaction, before panicking, call your personal therapist.


Hemophilia is a blood clotting disorder. Medicinal leeches bring more than 150 active enzymes and ferment into the body, including hirudin – an extremely fast-acting and potent anticoagulant that can influence the stage of the disease.

Pregnancy period – For pregnant women, hirudotherapy is contraindicated because the application of leeches is done in the area of the uterus or its active points and can cause a termination of pregnancy or even premature birth. There is a risk that the developing embryo may detach from the uterus due to the ability of the leech to emit an intermittent biological ultrasound (from 40hz to 250 Mhz). Instead, they can be used to : achieve pregnancy, treating many gynecological diseases, even infertility. 

Coagulopathy is the ability of blood to clot. It can lead to excessive bleeding because there are no clotting products. Symptoms are bruising, nosebleeds, prolonged menstruation, heavy bleeding after any blow, cutting. Left untreated, this condition can trigger damage to joints, organs, muscles. Seek medical attention immediately if the following symptoms occur: headache, vomiting, blood in the urine, convulsions, double vision.

Hemorrhagic diathesis – is a condition represented by repeated bleeding in the body.

Thrombocytopenia – affects the blood directly, platelet count is below 150,000 platelets per microliter of circulating blood. There are 2 types: peripheral (platelets are destroyed in excess or used in clotting processes) or central (marrow cannot produce enough platelets).

Severe anemia. Anemia is the body’s way of indicating the presence of a disease. Specifically, it is a low number of red blood cells in the body.  Red blood cells have a lifespan of 100 days and the body is constantly challenged to renew dead red blood cells.  We mention severe anemia because it can be: chronic or acute. If it is mild anemia, hirudotherapy can be used in lower doses and under strict supervision. It is recommended to avoid drawing blood, so leeches remain for a short time on the surface of the body. Therefore, only active substances are introduced and blood is not drawn from the body.

Neoplasm – are tumors. They are a type of cancer that invades nearby tissues.

Cardiovascular insufficiency is not allowed to interfere with the treatment of medicinal leeches because blood pressure may fluctuate. Hypnotherapy is the force that sets the entire cardiovascular system in motion and fluidizes blood flow, an action that significantly lowers blood pressure. When the leech bites at key points, under the therapist’s careful guidance, it introduces over 150 types of active substances with a restorative and healing effect into the body.

Hypotonia– decreased muscle tone.

Myocardial infarction

Schizophrenia or other serious mental illnesses may alter the patient’s condition due to fear of leeches.

Hemorrhagic stroke


Allergic conditions to hirudin



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