Ion detoxification -Eco-detox
- Improves sleep and calms anxiety
- Enhances cell vitality and function
- Promotes emotional balance and mental clarity
- Eases body detoxification and organ regeneration
- Neutralizes free radicals and oxidative stress
- Reduces inflammatory pain and joint disorders
- Supports the nervous system and eliminates brain fog
- Helps oxygenation and fluid circulation in respiratory disorders
- Improves immune function and reduces sugar cravings
- Balances the digestive system and stabilizes nutrient absorption
- Relieves skin conditions and slows the signs of ageing
- Optimizes overall athletic performance
- Releases energy blockages (meridians)
- Increases personal body vibration
- Improves body-soul-mind synergy
The ion detoxification system relies on the use of a microcurrent to facilitate the movement or transfer of electrical charges in cells across their membranes. This aims to restore the balance between positive and negative charges in the cells, optimizing the electrical potential of the membrane. Thus, the painless and non-invasive microcurrent makes it possible to open the passage of vital ion channels. Consequently, the ionic energy supply, produced by the negative ion generator immersed in the water basin, penetrates the acupuncture points to initiate a process of internal detoxification, nutrient absorption, and fluid rebalancing.
Negative ions catalyze metabolic functions and make it possible to absorb valuable oxygen and water into organic tissues. This process stimulates and facilitates the elimination of acidifying free radicals and improves the permeability and decongestion of cell membranes. Through this decrease in surface tension, nutrients, enzymes, water, and oxygen can function better in intracellular fluids, while waste products can escape more easily. This results in a profound stimulation of the blood and lymphatic circulatory systems for increased efficiency in eliminating waste through the kidneys, liver, intestines, skin, and lungs. This is how this technology helps the human body to gradually oxygenate, hydrate, and neutralize corrosive and acidic metabolic waste products for elimination through natural excretion (filter organs).
Stimulation of reflexology (acupuncture) points under the feet by negative ions also has a major positive impact on the energy networks (meridians). Stimulation of the meridians changes the functional state of the nerve receptors in the skin (reflex zones) through electrical induction. This transmits their messages to the nerve centers via the peripheral nerves and spinal cord to the brain. It has been observed that negative ion stimulation creates numerous benefits on human metabolism, in particular on serotonin levels (mood), the Krebs energy cycle (vitality), and the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic). Ionic stimulation harmonizes and greatly improves the bioenergetic behaviour of fluids and glands in the human body. The fluids then respond in such a way as to allow the body to restore balance to its natural functions.
When the pool of warm, salty water is ionized during the ionic session, the water is split into H+ and OH- ions (and sometimes into H3O+ and H2O2), similar to water falling from a waterfall becoming ionized. Ionized molecules with negative polarity (anion) are then able to transmit their free electrons through the nervous system throughout the body. Because their presence is greater in number, these negative ions neutralize toxic, stressful, and acidifying, counter-charged waste products (cations).
The colored residues observed accumulating in the ion bathwater during the session are largely (over 75%) created by the negative ion (metal) generator interacting by oxidation with the natural minerals in the water and sea salt added to increase electrical conductivity. According to our current observations, slightly less than 25% of the total waste present in the water would be of organic origin. Toxins will be removed mainly by natural means in the three days following the ionic session. The primary objective of this technology is to transfer valuable negative ions into the body, not to “purge” toxins from the body through the pores of the skin on the hands and feet. The color and residual textures of the pond water after a session differ from user to user and depend on several operating criteria.
Hidratați-vă bine înainte, în timpul și după fiecare ședință (2 litri de apă / zi). Evitați alimentele grele și bogate în calorii pe tot parcursul protocolului.
Evitați să mâncați temporar unele lucruri nocive și / sau controversate. Promovarea alimentelor sănătoase și neprelucrate (vegetale, proaspete și variate).
Minimizează-ți stresul (emoțional, psihologic și mental).
Oxigenează-ți corpul (mișcă-te și mergi afară).
Luați suplimente esențiale. Opriți sesiunea în caz de disconfort intens și persistent.
Evitați scufundarea rănilor deschise și sângerânde în apa de baie.
Evitați transportul obiectelor mari din metal sau electronice.
Evitați sesiunile târzii dacă acest lucru determină o revigorare puternică a vitalității.
Ionic detox-for best results will be applied during the liver detoxification procedure -following the method and scheme of Dr. Ivan Secrieru.
Ionic detox-pentru cele mai bune rezultate se va aplica pe perioada procedurii de detoxifiere a ficatului.
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