Simply because you matter the most

Simply because you matter the most

Zapper Anti-Parasite Treatment



ZAPPER is a device that emits pulsed electric fields (PEF) to reduce the population of the body’s main pests. It is a signal generator (555 timers) that is harmless and almost imperceptible to the user making life difficult for pathogens that infiltrate the body. These few specific frequencies and their benefits have largely been studied by Dr. Hulda Clark (30,000 Hz), royal inventor Raymond Rife (2,500 Hz), and inventor Don Croft (15 Hz). The signals used are positive lags in a continuous oscillation of 8 volts and about 8 milliamps, which can pass through most parts of the body. They travel mainly through our fluids, such as the lymphatic system (lymph) and the vascular system (blood). These frequencies immobilize parasites and weaken their protective shield (shell and/or outer membrane) to make them more vulnerable and accessible to the immune system. The immune system is then able to more easily select, disintegrate and eliminate numerous miniature intruders and undesirables. Within minutes, the ultra-vitalizing passage of these frequencies, from conductive rods placed on the skin, through the body provides considerable help to our natural defenses. ZAPPER also has an alkalizing and ionising effect on the physical body, along with the detoxifying ionic bath. 


ZAPPER causes no known harmful side effects, apart from a few detoxifying effects due to temporary overuse (dizziness, mild nausea, headache, mild diarrhea, flatulence, itching, stiffness, skin irritation, fatigue, and drowsiness). If you experience these side effects, simply reduce the duration and number of sessions according to your body’s requirements to manage the endogenous (internal) waste it causes. A parasite is an organism that lives inside or on the surface of another organism to its detriment, though often without killing it. Many micro-organisms could meet this definition. It is considered pathogenic or harmful if it is likely to cause disease. A micro-organism can only be observed with a microscope. Pathogenic bacteria, kidney stones, calcifications, worms, and parasites hide in every one of us. They damage, harm, and wear out our metabolism causing abnormalities and/or dysfunction. A parasite is a small living organism that depends on and benefits from another living organism considered its host. Some parasites cooperate with the organism they invade, which sets up a good exchange of services, such as probiotics. Otherwise, it can be an aggressive and disadvantageous co-evolution for the host. The ultimate goals for these competitive parasites are survival and reproduction. Some experts estimate that over 80% of the human population suffers from various problems related to a high presence of harmful pathogenic micro-organisms. These micro-organisms then feed, to the detriment of the host, which loses the benefits of the nutrients, leaving it weak, deficient, and bruised. Unconsciously, there comes a critical time when the body is dysfunctional or endangered by a very large and harmful parasite population. The list of benefits of using ZAPPER is long. 


What’s more, with a diet overloaded in sugar, the body accumulates a lot of mucus almost everywhere in which bacteria and parasites find fertile ground to feed and multiply. The excess weight caused by fat is also a favorable environment for their growth. 

Body enemies:

Aggressive parasites love to grow in an acidic environment. Efficiencies: weakened immune defense, poor gut flora (microbiota depletion), unhealthy diet, lack of oxygen, and dehydration. Mainly through poor digestion of meat food in the stomach, certain parasites survive, migrate to the intestines, and multiply there before progressing to the rest of the body. Some symptoms possibly associated with a parasitic intestinal invasion are diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence, vomiting, sleep disturbance, and unsatisfactory sugar cravings. This initial infestation exhausts the immune system and the whole body. Certain natural products are potentially effective in fighting a multitude of hostile parasites deposited in the intestines. These include grapefruit seed extract, black walnut, wormwood (artemisia), cloves, oregano oil, garlic, thyme, papaya seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Always add good bacteria and probiotics to the program to encourage healthy gut flora (microbiota). Prevention is always the best course of action, as a strong immune system is the best line of defense against attackers.



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